The preparation of a virtual machine/plant in the earliest stage of project processing makes it possible to clearly specify functional processes and coordinate them with all involved in the project.
The modules of the WinMOD System Platform are used to create plant simulations or virtual machines/plants. Instead of the real projected control, the control is simulated with elements of the WinMOD System Software. The Force Machine, the State Machine and the Flow Machine are available for this purpose. For links, for time functions, for operating and display elements, all other elements of the WinMOD System Platform can be used.
Realization with WinMOD:
- The entire functionality of the planned system and the planned control can be realized on PCs with a common user interface. This function is immediately available to third parties participants.
- Timing processes can be visualized and documented with the WinMOD Recorder.
- The integrated Force Machine and State Machine define control processes.
- Versatile visualizations ensure the understanding of the function.
Achievable Results:
- The early real-time simulation of the function helps to avoid mistakes or to recognize them in time.
- After completion of the automation software to be configured, the virtual control functions can be switched off and the virtual commissioning can be carried out for the software test of the automation software.