The WinMOD-SIMLINE Library for Electric Monorail Systems (EMS) contains all necessary elements to create and constructive accurate WinMOD-SIMLINE Layout for a given real track layout.

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Light and Heavy Electric Monorail Systems

The WinMOD-SIMLINE Library for Electric Monorail Systems (EMS) contains all necessary elements to create and constructive accurate WinMOD-SIMLINE Layout for a given real track layout. For that tracks, track curves, switches and track lifts can be placed and parameterized. The WinMOD-SIMLINE connection point systems allows the creation of complex track layouts with tilt angles, mulit-levels or changing curve fast and easy. So a very first validation of the track layout in the WinMOD-SIMLINE 3D environment is possible.

The WinMOD-SIMLINE Library contains standard EMS-carrier for light and heavy duty applications. These carriers consist for example of typical combinations of lift and swing frames to simulate the processes in assembly lines or the movement to other conveying systems. It’s like in the real plants. Additionally manufacturer specific EMS-carrier can be individually virtualized. CAD-based construction elements, assembly parts or car bodies can also be integrated. With the WinMOD-SIMLINE sensors for carrier and assembly part detection and a parametrizable track and code strip communication it is possible to simulate every kind of EMS-layout.

Product: WinMOD-SIMLINE Library EMS

Video: WinMOD-SIMLINE for Light Electric Monorail Systems (EMS)

Video: WinMOD-SIMLINE for Heavy Electric Monorail Systems (EMS)